This is the second volume of our ongoing superhero anthology, providing a uniquely superhuman look at the frailties of human nature. What tangled motives drive the actions of hero, villain, and anti-hero? Find out in a collection of stories featuring Paraman, Crippler, Lioness, Virtue, Captain Perfect, and more!
All this, plus a bonus story of The Golden Protector, in memory of Christian comics pioneer Donald D. Ensign.
54 pages, Full Color, $12.50
ISBN 9781687743688
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Featuring stories by Eric Jansen, Ralph Ellis Miley, and Kevin Yong. Artwork by Eric Jansen, Dennis Chacon, Greg Harms, Herbert L. Richardson Jr., Mia Pearce, Bill Maus, and Steven Butler, with color by Michael Summers and Teo Gonzalez, and cover art by Dan Lawlis.